Now that I think about it, since my childhood, I could not be categorised in a standard way. In fact, I had this inkling all these years but only a few days back, the whole underlying principle sort of revealed itself. The process of growing and the environment one is operating into does shape one. This we all have heard, but in what way it precisely impacts and what will be the outcome or possibility, I did not know in an obvious way. Many years ago when I had started on my work life, a colleague in my office did not know that stamps of particular value needed to put on to an envelope for it to be delivered by Indian postal system. I was surprised as this was as common knowledge to me as it was about wearing a shirt. This did give me an insight that the process of growing had endowed me with certain information, knowledge or skill which many would have had no way to acquire. And this placed me at an advantageous level in many situations which work or life wi...