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 Space, at its core, means a place not being used or emptied, but space also refers to the emotional or physical independence you give to another person and is a critical process that people don't do very often. It is essential to realise that giving yourself space, you heal and prevent yourself from burning out. It does not mean to meditate or sleep, of course. If that's what u want, then go ahead and just do what makes you happy, anything like painting, dancing, swimming or anything that calms you down or brings you joy.  But how do we give space? We provide them companionship while not being too much for a person to take in. Despite being the most evolved beings, sometimes humans can be a handful, so it can be overwhelming to keep up. This often causes burnout, and if we don't give people space, these feelings slowly start bottling up, and before we realise it, the person begins resenting us. In close relations, too, it is necessary to give space, and sometim
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Women Should Outnumber Men in Politics

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How are we shaped

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