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What moves people

Compassion, care, empathy....
Nothing moves like money which is the quantifiable expression of ego. All actions which impact it positively (mean enhance this) will be given favourable considerations and other actions will not get management's approval even if they create greater impact taking all stakeholders into account. Responsible travel, environmentally sustainable style of work, etc are at worst the garb to rationalise the greedy money making behaviour. It does not fill me with cynicism but makes me think of more creative ways to make the management aware of the impact of its actions for society at large.


  1. I have similar thought regarding the creation of three States JHARKHAND CHATISGARH UTARAKHAND.
    In the novel DOGS of WAR there was a story of some small country Uranium Rich of Africa and how people from Europe toppled their Govt so that they can exploit the riches.
    Same is the case of thses 3 states BJP created these three State so that their Patrons can manage the small number of its MLAs to exploit the Minerals.

  2. That is an interesting insight. I thought these smaller states meant the increase in the number of states under control where size does not come in picture. But control of the resource is the main intent.


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