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Cares and Concerns

It seems so normal to be bothered by unusual events in life. However, if  I just suspend judgement, for the time being, things change in a very new way.

Cares and concerns are the realms of mind and the real genesis of life lies somewhere else. So even logically there is really no reason to be bothered by whatever happens in life. The moment I learn to say so, I am set free. There have been many instances to prove that life only wants to test my resolve to be willing to see what is otherwise not visible then. And reward handsomely.

All decisions which are not backed by logical conclusions are not necessarily inferior ones. In fact, my experience says they are the best and to go for. With this, I am able to forget bitterness or not hold others responsible and move on for the better.

I recall an incident where I had sold my inverter scrap to the person who had installed it many years ago. The value of the deal was already settled and one day the team arrived to take care of the scrap. Once the things had left my house, the person in charge handed me a cheque for the value of the deal. I found it a bit odd as the amount was small and should have been paid in cash. Anyway, I let it pass and did not make a fuss about it. When I was to deposit the cheque I noticed that the date on the cheque was a couple of days later. Depositing the cheque was a small hassle as I had to go to the home branch for KYC updation and the branch had changed address. Anyway, I just went through the motion without holding any negativity any further. A couple of weeks later I received a call from my bank if I will come to collect the cheque or if it should be posted. I did not understand this request but after more asking, it came to be known that cheque was returned because of insufficient funds. I was now angry and I made the call to the inverter man but his phone was not reachable. I let it pass and continued with what I was doing. I made a second call sometime later and again no connection. I did not allow this thought to create any mess and rather continued with what I was doing. Less than an hour later I received a knock on my door which is unusual I see the inverter man at the door with the money and I was completely surprised. I was just speechless and this understanding got reinforced that there is absolutely no reason to fret and frown and store negativity on account of any incidents in life. 


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