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Legal, Moral or Optimal

There are instances or situations in life when I am faced with the dilemma "what is the right response".  The life principles straightway do not show the way or should I say they do not appear to be in a ready-to-implement state.

Not bribing anyone is my life principle mainly because of the fact that I do not want to create an invisible blockage in the recipients' life.  This principle is easy to implement when there is an alternate (even though more expensive) available to set things right, such as paying a hefty fine for traffic violations instead of bribing to save some money for oneself. However, this is not so straightforward when it comes to new constructions or modifications to existing buildings. 

The overwhelming majority of old DDA flats have seen extension constructions by the rightful owners. Extensions could be either at the same level where more area has been covered by solid constructions or a level has been added either fully or partially. Most of these extensions appear to be the right thing to do for the optimal utilisation of resources. However, there is no legal recourse to this. But this has not deterred people from going for it. Extensions have been made to original DDA structures just by paying bribes to various authorities as a price for them to pretend that they do not know if such constructions have happened. Now, this is a sure a shot trap where a bribe has no right alternative. 

Since this has been done by almost all DDA flat owners, legal recourse must be made available for them to come clean. The State must recognise this reality and take corrective steps where the state and people benefit and not the bureaucrats who are only making money now. This way the right climate is created which is trust breeding and is without unnecessary fear and anxiety. 


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